
February Litter Picking

The next SusWoT litter pick will be on Sunday 23 February. We are almost certain to be doing work to clean up the River Trym and Hazel Brook.

January River Trym Cleaning

Despite the grim weather forecast on Sunday morning SusWoT did not cancel their planned litter pick of the Trym valleys.

Broad Beans are growing!

The broad beans are growing but some have been eaten or damaged by the cold and wind.

The First Green Shoots at the Library Garden

Broad bean shoots are coming up in the library garden.

Picking Litter from the Banks of the Avon

Some of the regular SusWoT litter pickers helped collect rubbish from the banks of the Avon, just downstream from where the Trym joins it.

Back in the Trym

After a month clearing litter from the streets of Westbury-on-Trym SusWoT went back to clearing the river Trym on Sunday.

SusWoT Spring Clean: 75 People 153 Sacks of Rubbish

SusWoT have just finished their most ambitious litter picking exercise ever.

Westbury Spring Clean – clean 1

The first SusWoT Westbury Spring Clean was a great success with 20 bags of rubbish collected.

Westbury Spring Clean

From 22 March until 23 April Keep Britain Tidy are organising The Great British Spring Clean.

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