For several years, various groups including SusWoT have been clearing fly-tipping, litter and Himalayan Balsam from the Trym and its main tributary Hazel Brook. While the odd trout has been spotted, we aim to create a much better habitat for all sorts of wildlife along the river.
Serious work to clear the Trym of rubbish started in July 2018 when the section of the river from the Avon to edge of the Blaise Estate was cleared. About 3 tonnes of rubbish were removed.
River cleaning or balsam bashing takes place on Fridays from 10am to 12 noon and on Sundays from 11am to 1pm, weather permitting. If you would like to get involved, please contact us.

Trout in the Trym is a project to improve the ecology of the Trym rivers system in north Bristol. The Trout in the Trym website has more information about creating a better habitat for all sorts of wildlife along the river, including trout.