The Library Garden was started in 2020 as a place to show how easy it is to grow herbs and vegetables. A small group of people are involved in maintaining it.
A variety of Broad Beans suitable for over-wintering are sown each November and are be ready to be harvested the following May. These plants provide a reliable crop and they fix nitrogen which improves the soil.
When the broad beans have been cleared, plants such as onions, garlic, leeks, tomatoes, lettuce, beetroot etc are planted out as small seedlings.
In Autumn we clear the site, except for the herbs, to allow us to remove rubble. Unfortunately the grass surrounding the library covers over the rubble left behind when the library was built so it’s not ideal for growing vegetables.
If you would like to help maintain the Library Garden, please email SusWoT2050@gmail.com.
See our news posts about the library garden: