Get Growing

Get Growing is all about helping people to grow food plants for themselves in their own homes.

Each winter SusWoT volunteers plant hundreds (sometimes thousands!) of tomato seeds and nurture them in their greenhouses until they’re ready to be potted up for sale at the May community fair and other summer events. We also offer a collection service (developed in response to the 2020 lockdown).  The varieties are carefully selected to thrive in typical Westbury-on-Trym conditions and most can be planted outside.

While tomatoes are the main crop, we also plant some others including French and runner beans, courgettes, squash, peppers, chillies and herbs.

Do contact if you are interested in joining in.

If you’re not too confident about growing your own veg, here is a handy guide to the easiest to grow from the Sow Much More.

2664 potting up againsmall
2635 watering repotted seedlings

See more images like those above at Crabchick’s gallery on Flickr

See all our posts in the category Get Growing and also our Get Growing links.