SusWoT organises and takes part in lots of regular activities in Westbury-on-Trym. The ones described below are regular and established and SusWoT has been involved with them for many years. Our calendar shows what’s happening when.
What SusWoT has found is that successful things are successful because people like doing them and are therefore happy to organise them and take part.
If there is another regular activity or event that you think SusWoT would be interested in joining or starting please be in touch through our Contact Us page.
Monthly Events
The SusWoT Monthly Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month in the Westbury-on-Trym Village Hall, starting at 7:30 and finishing by 9:30. All are welcome. They are normally followed by continuing discussion in the pub! The meetings are usually devoted to planning SusWoT activities and reviewing what we are doing. Suggestions for new activities are always welcome. Often we will have a meeting in which an invited speaker will give a talk or presentation. In the past we’ve had talks from Bristol Waste, about traffic plans for the village, saving energy for example.
SusWoT Litter Picking or River Clearing events are held on the last Sunday of each month from 11am to 1pm. Where is to be litter picked or which part of the Trym is to be cleared is determined in the week before the activity and will be determined by the number of people wanting to help, the weather and if some part of Westbury is particularly dirty.

If you would like to help with litter picking or cleaning the Trym email SusWoT at We have all the equipment needed and liaise closely with Bristol Waste and Bristol Parks to ensure that all the litter we pick up is collected promptly. And SusWoT are Litter Heroes!
Annual Events
SusWoT will have a stand at the Westbury-on-Trym Community Fair. This is usually at the beginning of May on a Saturday. SusWoT use this event to sell tomato plants and other vegetable plants that we have grown from seed.
In early June SusWoT takes part in the Get Growing Trail across Bristol. This is an event when lots of organisations in Bristol do various things to encourage people to grow their own. SusWoT use it as a chance to sell seeds and plants to people at very low prices to help people to start growing their own.
In September, usually the first Saturday, SusWoT have a stand at the Westbury Village Show. SusWoT promotes itself and sponsors three trophies.