Interesting meeting for young and old in North Bristol
Susredland and Susbishopston have organised a discussion forum on sustainability and low energy living with the students at Redland Green School.
Susredland and Susbishopston have organised a discussion forum on sustainability and low energy living with the students at Redland Green School.
The Suswot facebook page is a little sparse at the moment but in time should provide an alternative way to keep in touch with Suswot’s activities.
Our first open meeting of the year will be an opportunity for you to hear about our current projects.
Meet fellow SusWotters and have a bit of fun and the chance to win prize at the Suswot Quiz at the Victoria.
Come and see what SusWot is doing. Brief report from all group chairs. Location: The Bentley Room, at Northcote.
Planning meeting at The Victoria Pub, Chock Lane, Westbury for a Treasure Hunt around Westbury in October.
Meet us at Westbury on Trym Primary School “Red Squirrel Day” Saturday 18th June 1-4pm. This is the school’s summer fete.