Wormery Project 10 Years Old
See how a wormery can turn waste food into valuable compost
SusWoT will be growing plants as usual this year to help people get growing, with sungold tomatoes.
Over the last few Saturday members of Westbury Library and SusWoT have planted up the Library Garden.
The beans are almost ready to pick and the onions, shallots and garlic are coming on well in the Library Garden.
The Westbury-on-Trym Library Group with help from SusWoT have planted a selection of runner beans to replace the broad beans.
The beans sown in February are now being harvested and reports are that they are delicious.
We are still providing seeds and plants this year even though the local fairs have been cancelled. See what’s available.
The broad beans are growing but some have been eaten or damaged by the cold and wind.