In 2020, several groups, including SusWoT, agreed to form a collective to improve the ecology of the Trym river system. At their second meeting, in March 2021 it was agreed that one of the two projects that would be undertaken would be removing all the visible Himalayan Balsam.
Removing Himalayan Balsam (balsam) is not be easy. Balsam is an invasive plant and highly successful at colonising river systems, suppressing native plants. It is an annual, capable of growing up to 4m in height and propelling its seeds up to 7m. The seeds will successfully travel downstream and colonise new areas each year. The seeds remain viable for some years if they do not germinate straight away.
To be a success, all the balsam in the river system needs to be eliminated and the area monitored continuously thereafter to prevent any rogue plants from recolonising.
Balsam bashing or river cleaning takes place on Fridays from 10am to 12 noon and on Sundays from 11am to 1pm, weather permitting. If you would like to get involved, please contact us.
You can report sightings of Himalayan Balsam to us from your smart phone using WoTPlot to send us photos and location details.