Get Growing – we have seeds and plants

We are still providing seeds and plants this year even though the local fairs have been cancelled. This is what’s available:

PlantsVariety if significantNotes updated 30 MayPrice
Chili PepperVarious 20 Available£1 per plant.
Bell Pepper20 Available£1 per plant.
Aubergine(greenhouse)15+ Available£1
TOMATOES£1, (£1.50 if large pot. 50p if small)
TomatoAlicante 40+ Availableabove
TomatoSungold (yellow cherry)40+ Availableabove
TomatoTumbling Tom Yellow or Red40+ Available, for hanging basketsabove
TomatoTomato FeedAvailable£1 a jar
Runner BeansScarlet Emperor20+ Available20p per plant in large pots, individuals 50p
Runner BeansFire Storm20+ Available20p per plant in large pots, individuals 50p per plant
Runner BeansMoonlight8 available, more sown,20p per plant in large pots, individuals 50p per plant
BorlottiBorlotti type french climbing bean20 Available20p per plant in large pots, individuals 50p per plant
French Climbing BeansCobra6 Available, more ready for 11 June.
20p per plant in large pots, individuals 50p per plant
CourgetteDarko40+ Available£1
CucumbersMarketmore (Small outdoor)30+ Available£1
Squash (butternut)Hunter F110+ Available50p
CauliflowerRomanesque10+ Available50p
CauliflowerVarious20+ Available50p
Brussel SproutsDark MarSold Out50p
Purple Sprouting BroccoliClaret15+50p
5+ Available
15+ Available20p in blocks
50p individual plants
Red CabbageDrumhead
plants and blocks Available20p in blocks
50p individual plants
Coriander3 pots available
ParsleyFrench 3 pots available£1
ParsleyItalian1 pot available£1
SunflowerGiant Pikes Peak or Kong5 Available £1
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