SusWoT had their first regular litter pick since February on Sunday 26th July at Crow Lane Open Space. It was a glorious day to pick litter and finding a burnt out scooter crowned a successful pick. As well as the scooter there were three Aldi trolleys, a music keyboard, a fire extinguisher and about 20 sacks of litter. Lots of the larger items came from Hazel Brook, a tributary of the Trym.
The five new pickers were incredibly lucky to be involved in such productive picking, particluarly getting the scooter.
On Tuesday 29th, SusWoT return to Clover Ground. SusWoT plan to clear up waste next to Badock’s Wood, at an earlier pick SusWoT couldn’t collect all the rubbish. SusWoT need just five more sacks to reach 100 sacks of rubbish coIlected in July. All the rubbish has come from Westbury-on-Trym or the Trym valley.
SusWoT organises a monthly litter pick on the last Sunday of the month from 11am to 1pm. Litter picks are usually to clear rubbish in Westbury-on-Trym or to improve the Trym river system. SusWoT is keen to support groups in communities that neighbour Westbury.